Smartworks Systems Apps

Phone Finder 1.2
Phone Finder:Worried about losing your Android Device?Find it with the Phone finder app that lets you find yoursmartphone in a smart way. Simply add your friends and familynumbersand set secret code for Ring, Call and Map actions and yourphonewill perform that specific action once a message containssecretcode is received from that predefined number or anynumber.SOS:SOS will send a SMS message with your current location toallyour Phone Finder predefined contacts only.CONFIGURATION:This Menu will setup the app configuration to perform actionsonspecific codes. As the specific codes are received, the actionwillbe performed.Set secret codes for each action. ExampleRing Code: rCall Code: cDisable Code: dNote: Secret codes are case sensitive, capital (A) and small (a)isdifferent.ACTIONS:Ring: Once the ring code is received the phone current ringtonewill be played whether the phone is on silent/vibrate, so youcaneasily find your phone if you have forgotten where you kept itlasttime.Call: When the call code is received by any contact number,thecontact will get a call from the Phone Finder app. Interesting..!Map: When the map code is received, the exact current locationofthe missing phone is sent to the contact number.Disable: A disable function is also integrated, once the codeisreceived by the primary number, the application is disabled.Enable: Once the enable code is sent from the primary number,theapplication will be enabled.You may also manually disable your actions via theappconfigurations menu as well.ADD CONTACTS:All contact numbers will be added here for SOS. And the Primary#isthe one that will be used to disable or enable the app.